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蓝牙发射器,CSR867x — CSR8670平台开发调试经验.doc

/*This file was autogenerated by ButtonParsePro*/#include "source_buttons.h"#include <pio.h>#include <app/message/system_message.h>#include <panic.h>#include <ps.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <charger.h>#include <psu.h>/* Pio bits that trigger messages */#define MSG_BITS (BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT|BUTTON_POWER|CHARGER)/* Pio masks that requires map before use it */#define PIO_MAP_MASK ((uint32)(0x1FFFE000))/* Pio bits that trigger a raw message */#define RAW_BITS 0/* Charger to local PIO map defines */#define MAP_BUTTON_POWER 23#define MAP_CHARGER 22/* Mask of bits mapped to CHARGER events */#define CHG_MASK (1UL<<MAP_CHARGER|1UL<<MAP_BUTTON_POWER)/* Mask of bits mapped to External PIO events */#define EXT_MASK 0static const PioActionMessage action_table[] ={{BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,HELD,2000,0,BUTTON_MSG_ENTER_PAIRING_MODE},{BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,HELD,7000,0,BUTTON_MSG_RESET_PAIRED_DEVICE_LIST},{BUTTON_POWER,BUTTON_POWER,HELD,2000,0,BUTTON_MSG_ON_OFF_HELD},{CHARGER,CHARGER,ENTER,0,0,CHARGER_CONNECTED},{BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,BUTTON_PAIR_CONNECT,RELEASE,0,0,BUTTON_MSG_CONNECT},{BUTTON_POWER,BUTTON_POWER,RELEASE,0,0,BUTTON_MSG_ON_OFF_RELEASE},{CHARGER,CHARGER,RELEASE,0,0,CHARGER_DISCONNECTED}};/* Task messages */enum{internal_held_timer_message,internal_repeat_timer_message,internal_held_release_timer_message,internal_double_timer_message,pio_external_message};static void enterAction(PioState *piostate,const PioActionMessage *pam,pio_bits_t pio_bits){/* If all the bits, for the msg, are 'on', and at least one of those bits,* was just turned on, then ...*/if ( pam->bits == (pio_bits & pam->mask) ){/* A new enter action cancels any existing repeat timer */(void) MessageCancelAll(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message);MessageSend(piostate->client, pam->message, 0);/* if there is a repeat on this action, start the repeat timer */if (pam->repeat){piostate->stored.repeat = pam;MessageSendLater(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message,0,pam->repeat);}elsepiostate->stored.repeat = 0;}/* if any of the bits are turned off and there is a repeat timer,* cancel it and clear the stored PAM*/else if (pam->repeat &&piostate->stored.repeat == pam &&pam->bits == (piostate->stored.pio_bits & pam->mask) &&pam->bits != (pio_bits & pam->mask)){(void) MessageCancelAll(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message);piostate->stored.repeat = 0;}}/* There can be 1 held action/messages on the same PIO */static void heldAction(PioState *piostate,const PioActionMessage *pam,pio_bits_t pio_bits){/* If all the PIO, for the msg, are 'on'... */if ( pam->bits == (pio_bits & pam->mask) ){/* Send a pointer to this PAM as part of the timer message so that it* can be handled when the timeout expired*/const PioActionMessage **m =(const PioActionMessage **) PanicNull(malloc(sizeof(const PioActionMessage *)));*m = pam;MessageSendLater(&piostate->task,internal_held_timer_message,m,pam->timeout);}/* If any of the bits are turned off...*/else if (pam->bits == (piostate->stored.pio_bits & pam->mask) &&pam->bits != (pio_bits & pam->mask)){/* Cancel any active held or repeat timers. */if (!MessageCancelAll(&piostate->task, internal_held_timer_message)){(void) MessageCancelAll(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message);}}}static void pioChanged(Task task, PioState *piostate, pio_bits_t pio_bits){pio_bits_t changed = piostate->stored.pio_bits ^ pio_bits;/* If any of the msg bits have changed... */if (changed & MSG_BITS){/* Go through the action table to determine what action to do &* message may need to be sent.*/const PioActionMessage *pam;/* Only interested in the pio bits that trigger messages. */pio_bits_t pio_msg_bits = pio_bits & MSG_BITS;for (pam = action_table;pam != &(action_table[sizeof(action_table)/sizeof(PioActionMessage)]);pam){if (changed & pam->mask){switch (pam->action){case ENTER:enterAction(piostate, pam, pio_msg_bits);break;case RELEASE:/* Only a release if the PIO were previously on and now* have been turned off, and a release message was not* to be supressed*/if (pam->bits == (piostate->stored.pio_bits & pam->mask)&& pam->bits != (pio_msg_bits & pam->mask)&& ( pam->bits != (piostate->stored.pio_release_disabled & pam->mask ))){MessageSend(piostate->client, pam->message, 0);}/* Re-enable Release messages for the next release action */piostate->stored.pio_release_disabled &= ~(pam->bits);break;case HELD:heldAction(piostate, pam, pio_msg_bits);break;default:break;}}}}/* store the bits previously reported */piostate->stored.pio_bits = pio_bits;}static void pioHandler(Task task, MessageId id, Message data){PioState *piostate = (PioState *) task;switch(id){case MESSAGE_PIO_CHANGED:{const MessagePioChanged *mpc = (const MessagePioChanged *)data;/* Only change the actual PIO bits. Xor with pskey_wakeup* for pio that are active low not active high*/pio_bits_t pio_bits =(piostate->stored.pio_bits & (CHG_MASK|EXT_MASK)) |(mpc->state ^ piostate->stored.pskey_wakeup) |(((uint32)mpc->state16to31) << 16);pioChanged(task, piostate, pio_bits);}break;case MESSAGE_CHARGER_CHANGED:{const MessageChargerChanged *m =(const MessageChargerChanged *)data;pio_bits_t pio_bits =((uint32)m->charger_connected<<MAP_CHARGER) |((uint32)m->vreg_en_high<<MAP_BUTTON_POWER) |(piostate->stored.pio_bits & ~CHG_MASK);pioChanged(task, piostate, pio_bits);}break;/* If a pio has been HELD for the timeout required, then* send the message stored.*/case internal_held_timer_message:{const PioActionMessage **m = (const PioActionMessage**) data;const PioActionMessage *pam = *m;MessageSend(piostate->client,pam->message,0);/* Cancel any existing repeat timer that may be running */(void) MessageCancelAll(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message);/* Now that a held message has been issued, suppress futurerelease messages*/piostate->stored.pio_release_disabled |= pam->bits;/* If there is a repeat action start the repeat on* this message and store the PAM.*/if (pam->repeat){MessageSendLater(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message,0,pam->repeat);piostate->stored.repeat = pam;}}break;case internal_repeat_timer_message:if (piostate->stored.repeat){MessageSend(piostate->client,(piostate->stored.repeat)->message,0);/* Start the repeat timer again */MessageSendLater(&piostate->task,internal_repeat_timer_message,0,(piostate->stored.repeat)->repeat);}break;default:break;}}void pioInit(PioState *piostate, Task client){MessagePioChanged *mpc = malloc(sizeof(MessagePioChanged));uint32 pio_val = PioGet32();uint16 pskey_wakeup = 0;MessageChargerChanged *mcc = malloc(sizeof(MessageChargerChanged));bool vreg_en = PsuGetVregEn();bool chgr_en;{charger_status status = ChargerStatus();if (status == TRICKLE_CHARGE ||status == FAST_CHARGE ||status == STANDBY)chgr_en = TRUE;elsechgr_en = FALSE;}piostate->task.handler = pioHandler;piostate->client = client;/* Retrieve the PIO Deep Sleep wake up state PS Key. which indicates* the state that a PIO must be in to wake the chip from deep sleep.* This therefore also indicates if a PIO is reversed in effect e.g* active low instead of active high.* The default is all PIO are active high e.g. 0xFFFF.*/{uint16 pskey_val = 0xFFFF;PsFullRetrieve(PSKEY_PIO_WAKEUP_STATE, &pskey_val, sizeof(pskey_val));pskey_wakeup = pskey_wakeup | ~pskey_val;}PsFullRetrieve(PSKEY_PIO_WAKEUP_STATE, &pskey_wakeup, sizeof(pskey_wakeup));pskey_wakeup = ~pskey_wakeup;/* Set the initial pio states for the task. */piostate->stored.pskey_wakeup = pskey_wakeup;piostate->stored.pio_bits = (pio_val ^ pskey_wakeup) & (RAW_BITS);/* Initalise PAM stored states to 0. */piostate->stored.held_release = 0;piostate->stored.double_tap = 0;piostate->stored.repeat = 0;piostate->stored.pio_release_disabled = 0;/* Set the Pio Task handler to this button handler. */(void) MessagePioTask(&piostate->task);/* If the message button has been mapped by firmware, panic it.*/if(PioGetMapPins32() & MSG_BITS){Panic();}/* Map some message PIOs */if(PIO_MAP_MASK & MSG_BITS){PioSetMapPins32((PIO_MAP_MASK & MSG_BITS), (PIO_MAP_MASK & MSG_BITS));}/* Set the Debounce for all pio - Message bits and Raw bits.* Exclude PIO bits that are mapped to charger or ext messages*/if (PioDebounce32((uint32)(RAW_BITS|MSG_BITS)^(CHG_MASK|EXT_MASK),1,0)){Panic();/* If the result is not zero (0) then a PIO that cannot be used* as an input has been defined in the PioDebounce32() call.* The PioDebounce will not have been set in this case so* the VM application is panicked.*/}/* Set the Message Charger handler (VGEN and CHG) to this button* handler.*/(void) MessageChargerTask(&piostate->task);/* Set the Debounce for all Charger events. */ChargerDebounce((CHARGER_VREG_EVENT|CHARGER_CONNECT_EVENT), 1, 0);/* Send an intial message to indicate pio status */mpc->state = (uint16)(pio_val & (RAW_BITS|MSG_BITS));mpc->state16to31 = (uint16)((pio_val & (RAW_BITS|MSG_BITS)) >> 16);mpc->time = 0;MessageSend(&piostate->task, MESSAGE_PIO_CHANGED, mpc);/* Send an inital message to indicate charger status */mcc->charger_connected = chgr_en;mcc->vreg_en_high = vreg_en;MessageSend(&piostate->task, MESSAGE_CHARGER_CHANGED, mcc);}


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