Table of ContentsPreface vChapter 1: Preparing Your Working Environment 1Introduction 1Installing matplotlib, NumPy, and SciPy 2Installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper 4Installing matplotlib on Mac OS X 7Installing matplotlib on Windows 9Installing Python Imaging Library (PIL) for image processing 10Installing a requests module 11Customizing matplotlib's parameters in code 12Customizing matplotlib's parameters per project 14Chapter 2: Knowing Your Data 17Introduction 17Importing data from CSV 18Importing data from Microsoft Excel files 20Importing data from fixed-width data files 23Importing data from tab-delimited files 25Importing data from a JSON resource 27Exporting data to JSON, CSV, and Excel 29Importing and manipulating data with Pandas 34Importing data from a database 35Cleaning up data from outliers 40Reading files in chunks 45Reading streaming data sources 47Importing image data into NumPy arrays 49Generating controlled random datasets 55Smoothing the noise in real-world data 62iiTable of ContentsChapter 3: Drawing Your First Plots and Customizing Them 69Introduction 70Defining plot types – bar, line, and stacked charts 70Drawing simple sine and cosine plots 76Defining axis lengths and limits 79Defining plot line styles, properties, and format strings 82Setting ticks, labels, and grids 87Adding legends and annotations 90Moving spines to the center 93Making histograms 95Making bar charts with error bars 97Making pie charts count 100Plotting with filled areas 102Making stacked plots 104Drawing scatter plots with colored markers 107Chapter 4: More Plots and Customizations 111Introduction 111Setting the transparency and size of axis labels 112Adding a shadow to the chart line 114Adding a data table to the figure 118Using subplots 120Customizing grids 123Creating contour plots 128Filling an under-plot area 131Drawing polar plots 134Visualizing the filesystem tree using a polar bar 136Customizing matplotlib with style 140Chapter 5: Making 3D Visualizations 143Introduction 143Creating 3D bars 143Creating 3D histograms 147Animating in matplotlib 150Animating with OpenGL 154Chapter 6: Plotting Charts with Images and Maps 159Introduction 159Processing images with PIL 160Plotting with images 166Displaying images with other plots in the figure 171Plotting data on a map using Basemap 174iiiTable of ContentsPlotting data on a map using the Google Map API 179Generating CAPTCHA images 185Chapter 7: Using the Right Plots to Understand Data 191Introduction 191Understanding logarithmic plots 192Understanding spectrograms 195Creating stem plot 200Drawing streamlines of vector flow 204Using colormaps 208Using scatter plots and histograms 213Plotting the cross correlation between two variables 221Importance of autocorrelation 224Chapter 8: More on matplotlib Gems 229Introduction 229Drawing barbs 229Making a box-and-whisker plot 233Making Gantt charts 236Making error bars 241Making use of text and font properties 244Rendering text with LaTeX 251Understanding the difference between pyplot and OO API 255Chapter 9: Visualizations on the Clouds with 261Introduction 261Creating line charts 262Creating bar charts 266Plotting a 3D trefoil knot 269Visualizing maps and bubbles 272Index 275