unit constdef; //系统用到的一些常量、变量,函数、过程的定义pas interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, DB, DBTables, StdCtrls, DBGrids, Grids, Buttons; type //实际上,crn的数组中,一部分发给吊车的指令,不一定在执行; //另一部分是吊车当前的状态,有可能是上一次作业的状态,是根据返回值展开的。因此,必须从概念上区分开!!!! Trec_CraneData=record i_crn_sts : integer; //status s_commandstr : String; //command i_kind : integer; //command i_Wrk_no : integer; //command i_ctn_type: integer; i_fstn:Integer; //吊车的出入库站编号 i_tstn:Integer; //吊车的出入库站编号 s_Flocno:String; //command s_Tlocno:String; //command s_F_stano:String; //工作档的起始站点编号 s_T_stano:String; //工作档的起始站点编号 r_x0:real; r_y0:real; r_x1:real; r_y1:real; r_x2:real; r_y2:real; r_x:real; r_y:real; i_s_time:integer ; i_s_time1:integer ; i_s_time2:integer ; i_r_time:integer ; i_Errcod:Integer; //status i_onHP:Integer; //status end; Trec_plc_stn_Data=record s_dev_no : String; s_type_mk : String; s_term_mk : String; i_status : integer; i_plc_no : integer; i_Wrk_no : integer; i_Wrk_no1 : integer; i_ctn_type: integer; i_pak_mk : integer; i_buff_count : integer; s_from_stn : String; s_next_stn : String; s_t_station : String; i_s_time:Integer; i_t_time:Integer; i_tr_position:Integer; s_tr_stn : String; s_autoing : String; s_loading : String; s_canining : String; s_canouting : String; s_fronting : String; s_hight : String; s_middle : String; s_low : String; s_inreq1 : String; s_inreq2 : String; s_error : String; s_rev_dev_no : String; i_past_time:Integer; s_begin_mk : String; i_req_mk :integer; end; const ci_moxport_count=14 ; ci_crn_count=10 ; //ci_crn_count=9 ; ci_scale_count=1 ; ci_bcscale_count=2 ; ci_crn_title_count=10 ; cs_ar_crntitle : Array[0..ci_crn_title_count-1] of String =('吊车号','吊车状态','ID号','源站','目标站','源库位','目标库位','原点否','异常代号','吊车命令'); ci_trolly_count=1; ci_out_io_pri=10; ci_sta_count=371 ; ci_plc_error_count=720 ; ci_plc_error_count1=519; ci_plc_error_count2=96; ci_sta_title_count=8 ; cs_ar_statitle : Array[0..ci_sta_title_count-1] of String =('序号','站点','ID号','自动','有物', '可入','可出','目标'); {CRN STATUS} ch_crn1_online = $0001; ch_crn1_idle = $0002; ch_crn1_error = $0004; ch_crn1_error_tohp = $0008; ch_crn1_hp = $0010; {CRN1 STATUS1} ch_crn2_manual =$0001; //手动模式 ch_crn2_auto =$0002; //自动模式 ch_crn2_online =$0004; //电脑模式 ch_crn2_manual1 =$0008; //手动中 ch_crn2_auto1 =$0010; //自动中 ch_crn2_online1 =$0020; //电脑模式中 ch_crn2_stop =$0040; //急停 ch_crn2_err =$0080; //异常 ch_crn2_can =$0100; //下命令可 ch_crn2_receive =$0200; //电脑命令正确接收 ch_crn2_storing =$0400; //入库中 ch_crn2_retriving =$0800; //出库中 ch_crn2_loctoloc =$1000; //库对库中 ch_crn2_stntostn =$2000; //站对站中 ch_crn2_moving =$4000; //移行中 ch_crn2_picking =$8000; //吊车取货阶段 {CRN1 STATUS2} ch_crn2_put =$0001; //吊车放货阶段 ch_crn2_idle =$0002; //吊车空闲 ch_crn2_movhp =$0004; //走行原点定位 ch_crn2_lifthp =$0008; //升降原点定位 ch_crn2_movpos =$0010; //走行在定位 ch_crn2_mid =$0020; //叉牙在中间 ch_crn2_left =$0040; //叉牙在左边 ch_crn2_right =$0080; //叉牙在右边 ch_crn2_liftupppos =$0100; //升降上定位 ch_crn2_liftdownppos=$0200; //升降下定位 ch_crn2_bettrery =$0400; //PLC电力不足 ch_crn2_load =$0800; //车上有物 ch_crn2_proper =$1000; //电脑待命状态 {PLC DEVICE/STATION STATUS CODE} ch_AUTO = $0001; { AUTO STATUS } ch_LOAD = $0002; { load IN STATUS } ch_canIN = $0004; { can in STATUS } ch_canOUT = $0008; { can out STATUS } ch_requ1 = $0010; { front } ch_requ2 = $0020; { rear} // ch_excep = $0040; { excep} //以下定义的是检测成品(晋亿成品)的尺寸(高,中,低) ch_hinch = $0100; ch_minch =$0080; ch_linch =$0040; ///PLC ERROR CODE///2005/11/18 ch_d1 = $0001; { } ch_d2 = $0002; { } ch_d3 = $0004; {} ch_d4 = $0008; {} ch_d5 = $0010; {} ch_d6 = $0020; {} ch_d7 = $0040; {} ch_d8 = $0080; {} ch_d9 = $0100; {} ch_d10 = $0200; {} ch_d11 = $0400; {} ch_d12 = $0800; {} ch_d13 = $1000; {} ch_d14 = $2000; {} ch_d15 = $4000; {} ch_d16 = $8000; {} {CRANE I/O TYPE} ci_CRN_LINK = 1; ci_CRN_RESET = 2; ci_CRN_CLEAR = 3; ci_CRN_HOME = 4; ci_CRN_START = 5; //ci_CRN_SHELF = 6; ci_CRN_INQUIRY = 6; ci_CRN_STORE = 7; ci_CRN_RETRIEVE = 8; ci_CRN_MOVE = 9; ci_CRN_ErrorInquire = 10; ci_CRN_STNTOSTN = 11; ci_CRN_LOCTOLOC = 12; {Crane Status} ci_CRN_STS_INIT =-1; ci_CRN_SETTING = 0; ci_CRN_STS_IDLE = 1; ci_CRN_STS_STORE_MOVE = 2; { STORE COMMAND } ci_CRN_STS_RETRIEVE_MOVE = 3; { RETRIEVE COMMAND } ci_CRN_STS_MOVING = 4; { MOVE COMMAND } ci_CRN_STS_STORE_OK = 5; ci_CRN_STS_RETRIEVE_OK = 6; ci_CRN_STS_MOVING_OK = 7; ci_CRN_STS_ERROR = 8; ci_CRN_STS_ERROR_IDLE = 9; ci_CRN_STS_STOP = 11; ci_CRN_STS_STNCHG_MOVE = 12; ci_CRN_STS_STNCHG_OK = 13; ci_CRN_STS_LOCATION_MOVE = 14; //ci_plc_MAX = 1; ci_plc_Max=5; ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE = 6; {WORK STATUS} ci_WRK_STORE_SETDATA = 1; ci_WRK_STORE_SETPLC = 2; ci_WRK_STORE_SETCRN = 3; ci_WRK_STORE_OK = 4; ci_WRK_STORE_UPDDB = 5; ci_WRK_STORE_exit = 6; ci_WRK_RETRIEVE_SETDATA = 11; ci_WRK_RETRIEVE_SETCRN = 12; ci_WRK_RETRIEVE_OK = 14; ci_WRK_RETRIEVE_UPDDB = 15; {PLC WRITE TYPE} ci_PLC_SETID =1; ci_PLC_SETDEST =2; ci_PLC_SETIDDEST =3; ci_PLC_SETerr =4; ci_PLC_SETFORWARD =5; ci_PLC_SETTANK =6; ci_PLC_SETPACK =7; ci_PLC_SETCRNERR =8; ci_PLC_clerrequ =9; ci_PLC_SETg_ars_sta_bid_Addr =9; ci_PLC_SETg_ars_sta_bctn_Addr =10; ci_PLC_SET_exit_lamp =11; ci_dest_stano=11; //******************************** {ASCII Code} ci_STX=2; ci_ETX=3; ci_EOT=4; ci_ENQ=5; ci_ACK=6; ci_LF=10; ci_CR=13; ci_NAK=15; {Scale Command Type} ci_SCALE_IDLE = 0; ci_SCALE_READ_COMMAND = 1; ci_SCALE_ZERO_COMMAND = 2; ci_SCALE_TARE_COMMAND = 3; ci_SCALE_NTGS_COMMAND = 4; {crane Store In Buffer qty} ci_Max_HP_In = 2; ci_Max_TP_In = 2; // ID_INTER = 2; {COMUCATION I/O BUFFER SIZE} ci_crn_MAXBUFSIZE = 4096; ci_scale_MAXBUFSIZE=4096; ci_MAXINCOUNT = 35; ci_MAXOUTCOUNT = 50; {CRANE SLEEP TIME} ci_CRNtimeInterval=1500; ci_CRNtimeInterval1=300; {PLC SLEEP TIME} ci_PLCtimeInterval=400; ci_scaletimeInterval=500; {DATABASE ALIAS NAME} cs_DBName = 'ASRSDB'; { Commucation Initial Port } ci_PLC_Port = 5; ci_CRN_Port = 8; {Database Update flag} ch_UPD_INS = $10; ch_UPD_DEL = $20; ch_UPD_PICK = $30; ch_UPD_MERGE = $40; { } ch_CMD_START = $100; ch_CMD_PAUSE = $200; ch_CMD_CLOSE = $300; var scalewt :real; gi_sto_seq:integer; gi_pick826_count,gi_pick832_count:integer; g_ars_weight : Array[1..6] of real; gi_asr_work: Array[1..6] of integer; gs_stn_err_status:string; //20070414 add gi_wrk_no:Array[1..2] of integer; gb_crn_status:array[1..10] of boolean; gs_111:string; gs_dev_error_code: Array[1..ci_plc_error_count] of string; gs_dev_error_code1: Array[1..ci_plc_error_count1] of string; gs_dev_error_code2: Array[1..ci_plc_error_count2] of string; gi_dev_error_code: Array[1..6] of integer; gs_pre_str,gs_now_str :string; gi_wrk_tag:integer; gi_wrk_num:array[1..1] of integer; gi_inch_tag:array[1..4] of integer; //尺寸标志 站点从小到大依次排列 gi_zhanban_tag:array[1..6] of integer; gi_req_tag:array[1..3] of integer; gi_status_tag:array[1..2] of string; gs_crn_err_Addr : Array[1..1] of String[5]; gs_crn_err,gs_crn_err_pre,gs_crn_err1,gs_crn_err_pre1:string; f_ctn_wt:real; gi_wrk_nu:array[1..2] of integer; gs_dev_sts:array[1..17] of string; gi_dev_sts:array[1..20] of integer; gs_dev_sts1:array[1..19] of string; gi_crn_wrkno:array[1..21] of integer; gi_dev_err :array[1..20] of integer; gs_dev_err_last: array[1..20] of string; gi_plc_err,gi_plc_err_back:array[1..10] of integer; // ,gs_dev_sts1 gi_plc_stn_buff1,gi_plc_stn_buff2,gi_plca_end,g_rec_plc_stn_data_his_count:integer; g_arr_swt: Array[1..1] of real; gs_plc_sta_scale:array[1..2] of string; gr_arr_swt :array[1..1] of real; g_ari_plc_buff1,g_ari_plc_buff2,g_ari_plc_buff_count1,g_ari_plc_buff_count2 :array[1..11] of integer; gr_swt_limit,gr_swt_limit_min:real; //磅秤的重量限制 W_sta_mach,W_stamk:array[1..500] of integer ; gi_crn_err1,gi_crn_err2,gi_crn_err4:integer; gi_cart650_pos,gi_cart643_pos,gi_cart752_pos,gi_cart774_pos,gi_cart908_pos,gi_cart917_pos:integer; gi_exit_type,gi_crn8_port,gi_crn9_port,gi_crn10_port,gi_crn11_port,gi_crn12_port,gi_crn13_port,gi_crn14_port,gi_crn15_port,gi_crn16_port,gi_plce_port,gi_plcf_port,gi_plcg_port,gi_bar_port1:Integer; g_ari_staion_plc_no,g_ari_staion_Component_seq: Array[1..600] of integer; g_ari_staion: Array[1..ci_sta_count] of integer; g_ari_sta_status :array[1..600] of integer; gs_crn17_port,gs_crn_ip_now,gs_crn_ip_pre :string; g_ari_sta_status1:Array[1..17] of integer; gi_crn_comm_time,gi_Online_flag,gi,gi_port_crn1,gi_port_crn2,gi_port_plc1,gi_port_plc2:integer; gs_plcthr_mess_send,gs_last_dest_stano:string; gs_crn_manu,gs_crn_auto,gs_crn_online,gs_crn_status,gs_crn_status1,gs_crn_rows,gs_crn_lev: String; gs_crn_manuing,gs_crn_onlining,gs_crn_autuing,gs_crn_stop,gs_crn_error,gs_crn_can :String; gs_crn_receive,gs_crn_storing,gs_crn_retriving,gs_crn_loctoloc,gs_crn_stntostn :string; gs_crn_moving,gs_crn_pick,gs_crn_put,gs_crn_idle,gs_crn_movhp,gs_crn_lifthp,gs_crn_movpos,gs_crn_mid,gs_crn_left,gs_crn_right,gs_crn_liftup,gs_crn_liftdown,gs_crn_bettery,gs_crn_load,gs_crn_proper:string; gs_loc_type:array[1..371] of string; gs_empty_mk:array[1..371] of string; g_rec_CRNData : Array[1..ci_crn_count] of trec_CraneData; // g_rec_CRNData : Array[1..9] of trec_CraneData; g_rec_plc_stn_data : Array[1..600] of Trec_plc_stn_Data; //20080221 g_barcode:array[1..2] of string; g_crn_move,g_colo_noauto,g_colo_auto,g_colo_autoload,g_colo_autoloadid,g_colo_autoid,g_colo_id,g_colo_no_id : TColor; g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE : Array[1..ci_plc_MAX,1..ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE] of String[14]; g_ars_sta_ID_Addr,g_ars_staion_name : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[5]; g_ars_dev_err_Addr : Array[1..20] of String[5]; g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[5]; g_ars_sta_status_Addr : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[5]; g_ars_clr_id_Addr:array[1..300] of String[5]; g_ars_sta_pre_data : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[50]; g_ars_sta_bid_Addr : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[5]; g_ars_sta_bctn_Addr : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of String[5]; g_ari_crn_pre_error,g_ari_crn_pre_error1 : Array[1..ci_crn_count] of integer; g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no : Array[1..ci_sta_count] of integer; var_ars_CrnerrAddr : Array[1..5] of String[1]; //吊车的错误编码,写入到plc中 ar_Colo_back1,ar_Colo_font1: Array[1..ci_crn_count] of TColor; g_ars_crn_lastio: Array[1..ci_crn_count] of String[1]; // g_ars_crn_lastio: Array[1..10] of String[1]; //20080802新增 gs_plc_stn_buff_addr1,gs_plc_stn_buff_addr2: Array[1..10] of String[5]; gi_last_dest_stano : integer; g_ars_dest_stano : Array[1..ci_dest_stano] of String[5]; gs_plc_error_desc: Array[1..ci_plc_error_count] of String; gd_start_time:Tdatetime; function g_funi_get_station_seq(station : integer) : integer; function g_funs_Crnsts_name(i_sts : integer) : string; //----- PLC I/O Buffer Queue ------------------- procedure g_proc_Init_PLC_Queue; function g_funi_PLCA_Queue_Count(k:integer) : integer; function g_funs_Get_PLCA_Queue(k:integer) : String; procedure g_proc_PLCA_Queue_Adjust(k:integer); procedure g_proc_Add_PLCA_Queue(k:integer;s_Data: String); //procedure g_proc_SetPLCA(k,i_nKind,i_nID,i_SrcStn,i_DestStn: integer); function g_funi_htoi(s_data:string;i_len:integer):integer; procedure g_proc_init_g_ari_staion; function g_funs_get_last_dest_stano(station:string):integer; function g_funi_io_buffer_Count(s_stn_no:string) : integer; //procedure g_proc_staion_disable_plca; function funb_strtoint_ok(s_tempStr:string) : Boolean; function funb_strtofloat_ok(s_tempStr:string) : Boolean; function funb_hextodec(data:string):integer; implementation function g_funs_Crnsts_name(i_sts : integer) : string; //该过程里面还包含一个函数Crnsts begin case i_sts of ci_CRN_STS_INIT : Result := '初始化'; ci_CRN_SETTING : Result := '设定中'; ci_CRN_STS_IDLE : Result := '空闲'; ci_CRN_STS_STORE_MOVE : Result := '入库移动'; ci_CRN_STS_RETRIEVE_MOVE : Result := '出库移动'; ci_CRN_STS_MOVING : Result := '移动'; ci_CRN_STS_STORE_OK : Result := '入库完成'; ci_CRN_STS_RETRIEVE_OK : Result := '出库完成'; ci_CRN_STS_MOVING_OK : Result := '移动完成'; ci_CRN_STS_ERROR : Result := '错误'; ci_CRN_STS_STOP : Result := '停止'; ci_CRN_STS_STNCHG_MOVE : Result := '站到站移动'; ci_CRN_STS_STNCHG_OK : Result := '站到站完成'; ci_CRN_STS_LOCATION_MOVE : Result := '库位移栽'; end; end; function g_funi_get_station_seq(station : integer) : integer; var i : integer; begin Result := -1; for i := 1 to ci_sta_count do begin if g_ari_staion[i]=station then begin Result := i; break end end; end; function funb_strtoint_ok(s_tempStr:string) : Boolean; var i,i_len : integer; begin result:=false; i_len := Length(s_tempStr); for i := 1 to i_len do begin if (s_tempStr[i] >='0') and (s_tempStr[i] <='9') then result:=true else begin result:=false; exit; end; end; end; function funb_hextodec(data:string):integer; var ls_str,cptr,hexstr:string; nctr,rptr,nsum,li_len :integer; k:integer; begin hexstr:=data; ls_str:=trim(hexstr); li_len:=Length(ls_str) ; nsum:=0; for nctr := 1 to li_len do begin cptr:=copy(ls_str,li_len - nctr 1 ,1); if cptr='A' then cptr:='10' else if cptr='B' then cptr:='11' else if cptr='C' then cptr:='12' else if cptr='D' then cptr:='13' else if cptr='E' then cptr:='14' else if cptr='F' then cptr:='15' ; if nctr=1 then k:=1 else if nctr=2 then k:=16 else if nctr=3 then k:=256 else if nctr=4 then k:=16 * 256; nsum:=nsum strtoint(cptr) * k; end; result := nsum; end; function funb_strtofloat_ok(s_tempStr:string) : Boolean; var i,i_len : integer; begin result:=false; i_len := Length(s_tempStr); for i := 1 to i_len do begin if ((s_tempStr[i] >='0') and (s_tempStr[i] <='9')) or (s_tempStr[i]='.') then result:=true else begin result:=false; exit; end; end; end; function g_funs_get_last_dest_stano(station : string) : integer; var i : integer; begin Result := -1; for i := 1 to ci_dest_stano do begin if g_ars_dest_stano[i]=station then begin Result := i; break end end; end; procedure g_proc_Init_PLC_Queue; var i ,k: integer; begin for k := 1 to ci_plc_MAX do for i := 1 to ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE do g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i] := ''; end; procedure g_proc_Add_PLCA_Queue(k:integer;s_Data: String); var i : integer; begin if s_Data='' then Exit; for i := ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE downto 1 do begin if g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i]='' then begin g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i] := s_Data; Break; end; end; g_proc_PLCA_Queue_Adjust(k); end; function g_funs_Get_PLCA_Queue(k:integer) : String; var i : integer; s_temp : String; begin s_temp := ''; for i := 1 to ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE do begin if g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i]<>'' then begin s_temp := g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i]; g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i] := ''; Break; end; end; g_proc_PLCA_Queue_Adjust(k); Result := s_temp; end; function g_funi_PLCA_Queue_Count(k:integer) : integer; var i,Count : integer; begin Count := 0; for i := 1 to ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE do begin if g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i]<>'' then Inc(Count); end; Result := Count; end; procedure g_proc_PLCA_Queue_Adjust(k:integer); var i,j : integer; s_temp1,s_temp2 : string; begin for j:=1 to ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE do begin s_temp1 := ''; s_temp2 := ''; for i := ci_plc_MAX_QUEUE downto 1 do begin s_temp1 := g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i]; if i > 1 then begin s_temp2 := g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i-1]; if (s_temp1<>'') and (s_temp2='') then begin g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i-1] := s_temp1; g_ars_PLCA_QUEUE[k,i] := ''; end; end; end; end; end; function g_funi_htoi(s_data:string;i_len:integer):integer; var i_sum,i_tmp,x:integer; begin result:=0; if s_data='' then begin exit; end; i_sum :=0; for x := 1 to i_len do begin i_tmp := ord(Upcase(s_data[x])); if i_tmp >58 then i_tmp := i_tmp-7; i_sum := i_sum*16 i_tmp-48; end; result := i_sum; end; procedure g_proc_init_g_ari_staion; var i,j:integer; begin for i := 1 to ci_sta_count do begin if i in [1..54] then begin { g_ari_staion[i] := i 500; g_ars_staion_name[i]:=inttostr(i 500); if i in[1..9] then g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D000' inttostr(i); if i in[10..54] then g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D00' inttostr(i); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(600 i); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(300 i); g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no[i]:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_buff_count:=0; g_ari_staion_plc_no[i]:=1; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_pak_mk:=0; if (i=345) then //尺寸 begin g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; end; } end; if i in [55..229] then begin g_ari_staion[i] := i 545; g_ars_staion_name[i]:=inttostr(i 545); if i in [55..64] then begin g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D000' inttostr(i-55); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(545 i); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(245 i); end; if i in [65..154] then begin g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D00' inttostr(i-55); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(545 i); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(245 i); end; if i in [155..229] then begin g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i-55); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(545 i); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(245 i); end; g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no[i]:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_buff_count:=0; g_ari_staion_plc_no[i]:=2; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_pak_mk:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; end; if ((i>=230)and(i<=342)) then begin g_ari_staion[i] := i 545; g_ars_staion_name[i]:=inttostr(i 545); g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i-55); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(545 i); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(245 i); g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no[i]:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_buff_count:=0; g_ari_staion_plc_no[i]:=3; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_pak_mk:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; {if (i=274)or(i=282) or(i=287) or(i=310) then //得到902站点的尺寸 begin g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; end; } end; if ((i>=343)and(i<=363)) then begin g_ari_staion[i] := i 557; g_ars_staion_name[i]:=inttostr(i 557); if ((i>=343)and(i<=352)) then g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D000' inttostr(i-343); if ((i>=353)and(i<=363)) then g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D00' inttostr(i-343); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i 257); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i-43); g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no[i]:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_buff_count:=0; g_ari_staion_plc_no[i]:=4; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_pak_mk:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; {if (i=345) then //得到902站点的尺寸 begin g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_hight:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_middle:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_low:='N'; end; } end; if ((i>=364)and(i<=371)) then begin g_ari_staion[i] := i 524; g_ars_staion_name[i]:=inttostr(i 524); g_ars_sta_id_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i-176); g_ars_sta_status_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i 424); g_ars_sta_detsta_Addr[i] :='D0' inttostr(i 124); g_ari_crn_pre_wrk_no[i]:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_buff_count:=0; g_ari_staion_plc_no[i]:=2; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i].i_pak_mk:=0; end; end; for i:=1 to 20 do g_ars_dev_err_Addr[i] :='D00' inttostr(i 50); //gi_plca_end:=22; //根据测试的a系列的plc,好像48个应该没有问题,50不知是否可以,如果可以就要分成两段来写了 //plca出库缓存,plca,480-483 {gi_plc_stn_buff1:=11; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[1]:=2; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[2]:=2; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[3]:=2; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[4]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[5]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[6]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[7]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[8]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[9]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[10]:=3; g_ari_plc_buff_count1[11]:=3; for i := 1 to gi_plc_stn_buff1 do begin gs_plc_stn_buff_addr1[i] :='D0' inttostr(554 i); g_ari_plc_buff1[i]:=0; end; gs_last_dest_stano:='142'; g_ars_dest_stano[1]:='132'; g_ars_dest_stano[2]:='122'; g_ars_dest_stano[3]:='411'; g_ars_dest_stano[4]:='418'; g_ars_dest_stano[5]:='415'; g_ars_dest_stano[6]:='412'; g_ars_dest_stano[7]:='409'; g_ars_dest_stano[8]:='406'; g_ars_dest_stano[9]:='403'; g_ars_dest_stano[10]:='400'; g_ars_dest_stano[11]:='142';} //入库重量的范围 for i:=1 to ci_crn_count do begin g_ars_crn_lastio[i]:='Y'; end; {gr_swt_limit:=1200; gr_swt_limit_min:=1; //g_arr_swt[1]:=500; for i:= 1 to ci_plc_error_count do begin gs_plc_error_desc[i]:=inttostr(i); end; } end; {procedure g_proc_staion_disable_plca; var i,j:integer; begin for i := 1 to 80 do begin //i:=j 400; g_ari_staion[i] := i; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_dev_no:=inttostr(g_ari_staion[i]); g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_autoing :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_loading :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_canining :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_canouting :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_inreq1 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_inreq2 :='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].s_error:='N'; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].i_pak_mk:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].i_Wrk_no:=0; g_rec_plc_stn_data[i 199].i_Wrk_no1:=0; end; end; } function g_funi_io_buffer_Count(s_stn_no:string) : integer; var Count : integer; begin Count := 10; case strtoint(s_stn_no) of //hp in 533: begin Count := g_ari_plc_buff_count1[1]-g_rec_plc_stn_data[g_funi_get_station_seq(12)].i_buff_count; end; //16: begin Count := g_ari_plc_buff_count1[2]-g_rec_plc_stn_data[g_funi_get_station_seq(16)].i_buff_count;end; //hp out //6: begin Count := g_ari_plc_buff_count1[3]-g_rec_plc_stn_data[g_funi_get_station_seq(6)].i_buff_count;end; end; Result := Count; end; initialization g_colo_autoloadid:=clred ; g_colo_autoload :=clFuchsia ; g_colo_autoid :=clYellow ; g_colo_auto :=clLime ; g_colo_noauto :=clBtnFace ; g_crn_move :=clred ; g_colo_id :=clBlack ; g_colo_no_id :=clred ; g_proc_init_g_ari_staion; end.