
C#遗传算法 示例源码

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C#遗传算法 示例源码 C#语言基础-第1张
// All code copyright (c) 2003 Barry Lapthorn// Website: http://www.lapthorn.net//// Disclaimer: // All code is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty. The author // makes no representation, or warranty, either express or implied, with // respect to the code, its quality, accuracy, or fitness for a specific // purpose. Therefore, the author shall not have any liability to you or any // other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage // caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by the code// provided. This includes, but is not limited to, interruption of service, // loss of data, loss of profits, or consequential damages from the use of // this code.////// $Author: barry $// $Revision: 1.1 $//// $Id: Test.cs,v 1.1 2003/08/19 20:59:05 barry Exp $using System;using btl.generic;public class Test{// optimal solution for this is (0.5,0.5)public static double theActualFunction(double[] values){if (values.GetLength(0) != 2)throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("should only have 2 args");double x = values[0];double y = values[1];double n = 9; // should be an int, but I don't want to waste time casting.double f1 = Math.Pow(15*x*y*(1-x)*(1-y)*Math.Sin(n*Math.PI*x)*Math.Sin(n*Math.PI*y),2);return f1;}public static void Main(){// Crossover= 80%// Mutation= 5%// Population size = 100// Generations= 2000// Genome size= 2GA ga = new GA(0.8,0.05,100,2000,2);ga.FitnessFunction = new GAFunction(theActualFunction);//ga.FitnessFile = @"H:\fitness.csv";ga.Elitism = true;ga.Go();double[] values;double fitness;ga.GetBest(out values, out fitness);System.Console.WriteLine("Best ({0}):", fitness);for (int i = 0 ; i < values.Length ; i )System.Console.WriteLine("{0} ", values[i]);ga.GetWorst(out values, out fitness);System.Console.WriteLine("\nWorst ({0}):", fitness);for (int i = 0 ; i < values.Length ; i )System.Console.WriteLine("{0} ", values[i]);}}


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