<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><link type="text/css" href="main.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /></head><body><div id="book"><canvas id="pageflip-canvas"></canvas><div id="pages"><section><div><h2>图片1</h2><p> <img src="7.jpg" style="width:350px; height:500px"> </p></div></section> <section><div> <h2>图片2</h2><p> <img src="10.jpg" style="width:350px; height:500px"> </p></div></section> <section><div><h2>图片3</h2> <p> <img src="8.jpg" style="width:350px; height:500px"> </p></div></section><section><div><h2>文字</h2> <p>Canvas consists of a drawable region defined in HTML code with height and width attributes. JavaScript code may access the area through a full set of drawing functions similar to other common 2D APIs, thus allowing for dynamically generated graphics. Some anticipated uses of canvas include building graphs, animations, games, and image composition.</p></div></section> </div></div><script type="text/javascript" src="pageflip.js"></script></body><html>
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