//index.js//获取应用实例var app = getApp()var cxt_arc;var timer;var n=1;var timer;var which = 3;//中奖项var luck = ["免费双人早餐", "5金币", "免费双人早餐", "10金币", "谢谢参与", "20金币"];//定义奖项Page({ data: { animationData:{},//动画 isclick: "start",//按钮事件 image:"/images/dianji_choujiang.png",//转盘图片 hiddenModal:true,//弹框是否隐藏 detail: "恭喜您获得" luck[which-1],//弹框内容, ClickDisable: false }, //事件处理函数 bindViewTap: function() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../logs/logs' }) }, onLoad: function () { console.log('onLoad') // var that = this // //调用应用实例的方法获取全局数据 // app.getUserInfo(function(userInfo){ // //更新数据 // that.setData({ // userInfo:userInfo // }) // }) }, start: function (e) { var _this = this; n=1; this.setData({ isclick: "stop" }) reset.call(_this); timer = setInterval(function () { //开始旋转 star.call(_this); // n ; if(n == 5){ _this.stop() wx.hideLoading(); } } , 300); //启动动画 function star() { wx.showLoading(); console.log("开始动画.....") var animation = wx.createAnimation({ transformOrigin: "50% 50%", duration: 300, timingFunction: "linear" }); animation.rotate(360*n).step(); this.setData({ animationData: animation.export(), disabled: false // image: "/images/dianji_tingzhi.png" }) } //重置动画 function reset() { console.log("重置动画.....") var animation = wx.createAnimation({ transformOrigin: "50% 50%", duration: 0, timingFunction: "linear" }); animation.rotate(0).step(); this.setData({ animationData: animation.export() }) } }, stop: function (e) { var _this = this; this.setData({ isclick:"" }) clearInterval(timer); timer = null; console.log("结束动画....."); sto.call(_this); function sto() { console.log("重置动画.....") var animation = wx.createAnimation({ transformOrigin: "50% 50%", duration: 1.4 * (2160 - (which - 1) * 60), timingFunction: "ease-out" }); console.log(Math.random()*60); animation.rotate(360 * n (2160 - ((which-2) * 60) - 35 - (Math.random() * 50))).step(); this.setData({ animationData: animation.export(), image: "/images/dianji_choujiang.png", }) } timer = setTimeout(function () { _this.setData({ hiddenModal: false }) } , 1.4 * (2160 - (which - 1) * 60 300)); }, returnTicket(){ // let url = 'http://localhost:8080/PhalApi/Public/demo/?service=Welcome.Say' let url = '' console.log('url',url); var that = this; wx.request({ url: url, data: {}, method: 'GET', success(res) { // console.log('信息',res) var wxcard_id = res.data.data.card_id; var timestamp = res.data.data.timestamp; var signature = res.data.data.sign; var nonce = res.data.data.nonce_str; wx.hideLoading(); wx.addCard({ cardList: [ { cardId:'' wxcard_id '', cardExt:'{"timestamp": "' timestamp '","nonce_str":"' nonce '","signature":"' signature '"}' } ], }) }, fail(res){ console.log("fail!!", res); } }); }, listenerConfirm: function (e) { var _this = this; wx.showLoading(); _this.returnTicket(); this.setData({ hiddenModal:true, isclick: "start" }) reset.call(_this); function reset() { console.log("重置动画.....") var animation = wx.createAnimation({ transformOrigin: "50% 50%", duration: 0, timingFunction: "linear" }); animation.rotate(0).step(); this.setData({ animationData: animation.export() }) } } })