
C# 一套Winform 黑色主题控件 实例源码下载

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C# 一套Winform 黑色主题控件 实例源码下载 桌面应用界面/GUI-第1张  C# 一套Winform 黑色主题控件 实例源码下载 桌面应用界面/GUI-第2张   
using DarkUI.Docking;using DarkUI.Forms;using DarkUI.Win32;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Example{ public partial class MainForm : DarkForm { #region Field Region private List<DarkDockContent> _toolWindows = new List<DarkDockContent>(); private DockProject _dockProject; private DockProperties _dockProperties; private DockConsole _dockConsole; private DockLayers _dockLayers; private DockHistory _dockHistory; #endregion #region Constructor Region public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); // Add the control scroll message filter to re-route all mousewheel events // to the control the user is currently hovering over with their cursor. Application.AddMessageFilter(new ControlScrollFilter()); // Add the dock content drag message filter to handle moving dock content around. Application.AddMessageFilter(DockPanel.DockContentDragFilter); // Add the dock panel message filter to filter through for dock panel splitter // input before letting events pass through to the rest of the application. Application.AddMessageFilter(DockPanel.DockResizeFilter); // Hook in all the UI events manually for clarity. HookEvents(); // Build the tool windows and add them to the dock panel _dockProject = new DockProject(); _dockProperties = new DockProperties(); _dockConsole = new DockConsole(); _dockLayers = new DockLayers(); _dockHistory = new DockHistory(); // Add the tool windows to a list _toolWindows.Add(_dockProject); _toolWindows.Add(_dockProperties); _toolWindows.Add(_dockConsole); _toolWindows.Add(_dockLayers); _toolWindows.Add(_dockHistory); // Deserialize if a previous state is stored if (File.Exists("dockpanel.config")) { DeserializeDockPanel("dockpanel.config"); } else { // Add the tool window list contents to the dock panel foreach (var toolWindow in _toolWindows) DockPanel.AddContent(toolWindow); // Add the history panel to the layer panel group DockPanel.AddContent(_dockHistory, _dockLayers.DockGroup); } // Check window menu items which are contained in the dock panel BuildWindowMenu(); // Add dummy documents to the main document area of the dock panel DockPanel.AddContent(new DockDocument("Document 1", Icons.document_16xLG)); DockPanel.AddContent(new DockDocument("Document 2", Icons.document_16xLG)); DockPanel.AddContent(new DockDocument("Document 3", Icons.document_16xLG)); } #endregion #region Method Region private void HookEvents() { FormClosing = MainForm_FormClosing; DockPanel.ContentAdded = DockPanel_ContentAdded; DockPanel.ContentRemoved = DockPanel_ContentRemoved; mnuNewFile.Click = NewFile_Click; mnuClose.Click = Close_Click; btnNewFile.Click = NewFile_Click; mnuDialog.Click = Dialog_Click; mnuProject.Click = Project_Click; mnuProperties.Click = Properties_Click; mnuConsole.Click = Console_Click; mnuLayers.Click = Layers_Click; mnuHistory.Click = History_Click; mnuAbout.Click = About_Click; } private void ToggleToolWindow(DarkToolWindow toolWindow) { if (toolWindow.DockPanel == null) DockPanel.AddContent(toolWindow); else DockPanel.RemoveContent(toolWindow); } private void BuildWindowMenu() { mnuProject.Checked = DockPanel.ContainsContent(_dockProject); mnuProperties.Checked = DockPanel.ContainsContent(_dockProperties); mnuConsole.Checked = DockPanel.ContainsContent(_dockConsole); mnuLayers.Checked = DockPanel.Contains(_dockLayers); mnuHistory.Checked = DockPanel.Contains(_dockHistory); } #endregion #region Event Handler Region private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { SerializeDockPanel("dockpanel.config"); } private void DockPanel_ContentAdded(object sender, DockContentEventArgs e) { if (_toolWindows.Contains(e.Content)) BuildWindowMenu(); } private void DockPanel_ContentRemoved(object sender, DockContentEventArgs e) { if (_toolWindows.Contains(e.Content)) BuildWindowMenu(); } private void NewFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var newFile = new DockDocument("New document", Icons.document_16xLG); DockPanel.AddContent(newFile); } private void Close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void Dialog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var test = new DialogControls(); test.ShowDialog(); } private void Project_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleToolWindow(_dockProject); } private void Properties_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleToolWindow(_dockProperties); } private void Console_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleToolWindow(_dockConsole); } private void Layers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleToolWindow(_dockLayers); } private void History_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToggleToolWindow(_dockHistory); } private void About_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var about = new DialogAbout(); about.ShowDialog(); } #endregion #region Serialization Region private void SerializeDockPanel(string path) { var state = DockPanel.GetDockPanelState(); SerializerHelper.Serialize(state, path); } private void DeserializeDockPanel(string path) { var state = SerializerHelper.Deserialize<DockPanelState>(path); DockPanel.RestoreDockPanelState(state, GetContentBySerializationKey); } private DarkDockContent GetContentBySerializationKey(string key) { foreach (var window in _toolWindows) { if (window.SerializationKey == key) return window; } return null; } #endregion }}


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