using System;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Security.Permissions;using System.Reflection;using System.Globalization;using System.Diagnostics;using Common;namespace TaskbarSorter{/// <summary>/// Summary description for Form1./// </summary>public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form{private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar toolBar1;private System.Windows.Forms.TreeListView treeListView1;private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader1;private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components;private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader2;private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader3;private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader4;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton toolBarButtonMoveFirst;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton toolBarButtonMoveUp;private System.Windows.Forms.ImageList imageListToolbar;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton toolBarButtonMoveDown;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton toolBarButtonMoveLast;private System.Windows.Forms.Button _Apply;private System.Windows.Forms.Button _ViewTree;private System.Windows.Forms.Button _ExpandAll;private System.Windows.Forms.Button _CollapseAll;private System.Windows.Forms.ImageList imageListTreeView;private System.Windows.Forms.Button _Repair;private System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip _ToolTips;private Icon _Icon = null;private bool _FirstActivation = true;private ITree _Tree = NodeTree.NewTree( typeof( DataBase ) );private IntPtr _ToolbarWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;private bool _Glomming = true;public Form1(){string[] a = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();Trace.WriteLine( "\nResourceNames:" );foreach ( string s in a ) Trace.WriteLine( "\t" s );Trace.WriteLine( "" );InitializeComponent();}protected override void OnHandleCreated( EventArgs e ){base.OnHandleCreated( e );UInt32 hIcon = User32.GetClassLong( Handle, GCL.HICONSM );if ( hIcon == 0 ){if ( _Icon == null ) _Icon = new Icon( typeof( Form1 ), "Icons.App.ico" );User32.SetClassLong( Handle, GCL.HICONSM, ( UInt32 ) _Icon.Handle );}}/// <summary>/// Clean up any resources being used./// </summary>protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ){if( disposing ){if (components != null) {components.Dispose();}}base.Dispose( disposing );}#region Windows Form Designer generated code/// <summary>/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify/// the contents of this method with the code editor./// </summary>private void InitializeComponent(){this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();System.Resources.ResourceManager resources = new System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(Form1));this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this.toolBar1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar();this.toolBarButtonMoveFirst = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton();this.toolBarButtonMoveUp = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton();this.toolBarButtonMoveDown = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton();this.toolBarButtonMoveLast = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton();this.imageListToolbar = new System.Windows.Forms.ImageList(this.components);this.treeListView1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeListView();this.columnHeader1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();this.columnHeader2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();this.columnHeader3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();this.columnHeader4 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();this.imageListTreeView = new System.Windows.Forms.ImageList(this.components);this._Apply = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this._ViewTree = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this._ExpandAll = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this._CollapseAll = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this._Repair = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();this._ToolTips = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components);this.SuspendLayout();// // button1// this.button1.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 32);this.button1.Name = "button1";this.button1.TabIndex = 1;this.button1.Text = "Refresh";this.button1.Click = new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);// // toolBar1// this.toolBar1.Appearance = System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarAppearance.Flat;this.toolBar1.Buttons.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton[] {this.toolBarButtonMoveFirst,this.toolBarButtonMoveUp,this.toolBarButtonMoveDown,this.toolBarButtonMoveLast});this.toolBar1.DropDownArrows = true;this.toolBar1.ImageList = this.imageListToolbar;this.toolBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);this.toolBar1.Name = "toolBar1";this.toolBar1.ShowToolTips = true;this.toolBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(592, 28);this.toolBar1.TabIndex = 0;this.toolBar1.ButtonClick = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(this.toolBar1_ButtonClick);// // toolBarButtonMoveFirst// this.toolBarButtonMoveFirst.ImageIndex = 0;this.toolBarButtonMoveFirst.ToolTipText = "Move First";// // toolBarButtonMoveUp// this.toolBarButtonMoveUp.ImageIndex = 1;this.toolBarButtonMoveUp.ToolTipText = "Move Up";// // toolBarButtonMoveDown// this.toolBarButtonMoveDown.ImageIndex = 2;this.toolBarButtonMoveDown.ToolTipText = "Move Down";// // toolBarButtonMoveLast// this.toolBarButtonMoveLast.ImageIndex = 3;this.toolBarButtonMoveLast.ToolTipText = "Move Last";// // imageListToolbar// this.imageListToolbar.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);this.imageListToolbar.ImageStream = ((System.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer)(resources.GetObject("imageListToolbar.ImageStream")));this.imageListToolbar.TransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;// // treeListView1// this.treeListView1.AllowColumnReorder = true;this.treeListView1.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));this.treeListView1.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader[] {this.columnHeader1,this.columnHeader2,this.columnHeader3,this.columnHeader4});this.treeListView1.HideSelection = false;this.treeListView1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 64);this.treeListView1.MultiSelect = false;this.treeListView1.Name = "treeListView1";this.treeListView1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(572, 392);this.treeListView1.SmallImageList = this.imageListTreeView;this.treeListView1.Sorting = System.Windows.Forms.SortOrder.None;this.treeListView1.TabIndex = 6;this.treeListView1.DoubleClick = new System.EventHandler(this.treeListView1_DoubleClick);// // columnHeader1// this.columnHeader1.Text = "Process / Window";this.columnHeader1.Width = 300;// // columnHeader2// this.columnHeader2.Text = "Windows";// // columnHeader3// this.columnHeader3.Text = "Window Handle";this.columnHeader3.Width = 100;// // columnHeader4// this.columnHeader4.Text = "Process Id";this.columnHeader4.Width = 90;// // imageListTreeView// this.imageListTreeView.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(16, 16);this.imageListTreeView.ImageStream = ((System.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer)(resources.GetObject("imageListTreeView.ImageStream")));this.imageListTreeView.TransparentColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;// // _Apply// this._Apply.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this._Apply.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(96, 32);this._Apply.Name = "_Apply";this._Apply.TabIndex = 2;this._Apply.Text = "Apply";this._Apply.Click = new System.EventHandler(this._Apply_Click);// // _ViewTree// this._ViewTree.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this._ViewTree.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(504, 32);this._ViewTree.Name = "_ViewTree";this._ViewTree.TabIndex = 5;this._ViewTree.Text = "View Tree";this._ViewTree.Click = new System.EventHandler(this._ViewTree_Click);// // _ExpandAll// this._ExpandAll.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this._ExpandAll.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(200, 32);this._ExpandAll.Name = "_ExpandAll";this._ExpandAll.TabIndex = 3;this._ExpandAll.Text = "Expand All";this._ExpandAll.Click = new System.EventHandler(this._ExpandAll_Click);// // _CollapseAll// this._CollapseAll.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this._CollapseAll.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(288, 32);this._CollapseAll.Name = "_CollapseAll";this._CollapseAll.TabIndex = 4;this._CollapseAll.Text = "Collapse All";this._CollapseAll.Click = new System.EventHandler(this._CollapseAll_Click);// // _Repair// this._Repair.FlatStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.System;this._Repair.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(416, 32);this._Repair.Name = "_Repair";this._Repair.TabIndex = 5;this._Repair.Text = "OS Version";this._ToolTips.SetToolTip(this._Repair, "Repair ToolTips");this._Repair.Click = new System.EventHandler(this._Repair_Click);// // Form1// this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(592, 466);this.Controls.Add(this._ViewTree);this.Controls.Add(this._Apply);this.Controls.Add(this.treeListView1);this.Controls.Add(this.button1);this.Controls.Add(this.toolBar1);this.Controls.Add(this._ExpandAll);this.Controls.Add(this._CollapseAll);this.Controls.Add(this._Repair);this.Icon = ((System.Drawing.Icon)(resources.GetObject("$this.Icon")));this.Name = "Form1";this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;this.Text = "Taskbar Sorter";this.Load = new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);this.Activated = new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Activated);this.ResumeLayout(false);}#endregion/// <summary>/// The main entry point for the application./// </summary>[STAThread]//[ PrincipalPermission( SecurityAction.Demand, Authenticated = true ) ]static void Main() {// only supports WinXP or latertry{OperatingSystemVersion os = new OperatingSystemVersion();string s = os.ToString();if (os.OSPlatformId <= OSPlatformId.Win32Windows ||os.OSPlatformId == OSPlatformId.WinCE ){MessageBox.Show("You must be joking :)","Unsupported OS",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop );return;}if ( ( os < OSVersionInfo.WinXP ) ){MessageBox.Show("This program only works on WinXP and later :)" Environment.NewLine Environment.NewLine "You are running:" Environment.NewLine s,"Unsupported OS",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop );return;}}catch ( InvalidOperationException x ){MessageBox.Show("Could not determine Operating System." Environment.NewLine Environment.NewLine "Error:" Environment.NewLine x.Message,"Unknown OS",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Stop ); //return;}Application.EnableVisualStyles();Application.DoEvents();Application.Run(new Form1());}private void Form1_Load( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){//SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;//Kernel32.GetSystemInfo( out systemInfo );// Displays a MessageBox if not found_ToolbarWindowHandle = GetToolbarWindowHandle();if ( _ToolbarWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero ) Close();// true if grouping is on_Glomming = ( Glob.Glomming.Int != 0 );}private void Form1_Activated( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){if ( _FirstActivation ){_FirstActivation = false;button1_Click( this, EventArgs.Empty );}}private IntPtr GetToolbarWindowHandle(){IntPtr hDesktop = User32.GetDesktopWindow();IntPtr hTray = User32.FindWindowEx( hDesktop, IntPtr.Zero, "Shell_TrayWnd", null );IntPtr hReBar = User32.FindWindowEx( hTray, IntPtr.Zero, "ReBarWindow32", null );IntPtr hTask = User32.FindWindowEx( hReBar, IntPtr.Zero, "MSTaskSwWClass", null );IntPtr hToolbar = User32.FindWindowEx( hTask, IntPtr.Zero, "ToolbarWindow32", null );//hToolbar = User32.FindWindowEx( hReBar, IntPtr.Zero, "ToolbarWindow32", "Quick Launch" );//hToolbar = toolBar1.Handle;if ( hToolbar == IntPtr.Zero )MessageBox.Show("Couldn't find Taskbar","Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error );return hToolbar;}private void button1_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){treeListView1.Items.Clear();_Tree.Clear();_ToolbarWindowHandle = GetToolbarWindowHandle();if ( _ToolbarWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero ) return;_Glomming = ( Glob.Glomming.Int != 0 );UInt32 count = User32.SendMessage( _ToolbarWindowHandle, TB.BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0 );for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ){TBBUTTON tbButton = new TBBUTTON();string text = String.Empty;IntPtr ipWindowHandle = IntPtr.Zero;bool b = GetTBButton( _ToolbarWindowHandle, i, ref tbButton, ref text, ref ipWindowHandle );if ( b ) AddData( tbButton, text, ipWindowHandle );}CreateImageList();FillTreeList();//User32.SendMessage( hToolbar, TB.CUSTOMIZE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero );}private void AddData( TBBUTTON tbButton, string text, IntPtr ipWindowHandle ){string state = ( ( tbButton.fsState & TBSTATE.HIDDEN ) == 0 ) ? "Shown" : "Hidden";string handle = "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) ipWindowHandle ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture );if ( _Glomming ){if ( ipWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero ) // Process{DataProcess o = new DataProcess( tbButton, text, ipWindowHandle );o.Node = _Tree.AddChild( o );}else // Window{DataWindow o = new DataWindow( tbButton, text, ipWindowHandle );o.Node = _Tree.Root.Child.Last.AddChild( o );}}else // not glomming{if ( ipWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero ){DataWindow o = new DataWindow( tbButton, text, ipWindowHandle );o.Node = _Tree.AddChild( o );}}}private void CreateImageList(){ImageList list = treeListView1.SmallImageList;ImageList.ImageCollection images = list.Images;while ( images.Count > 2 ) images.RemoveAt( 2 );foreach ( INode node in _Tree.AllChildren ){DataBase db = ( DataBase ) node.Data;if ( db.DataType == DataType.Window ){DataWindow window = ( DataWindow ) db;UInt32 hIcon = 0;if ( hIcon == 0 ) hIcon = User32.SendMessage ( window.WindowHandle, WM.GETICON, ICON.SMALL2, 0 );if ( hIcon == 0 ) hIcon = User32.GetClassLong ( window.WindowHandle, GCL.HICONSM );if ( hIcon == 0 ) hIcon = User32.GetClassLong ( window.WindowHandle, GCL.HICON );if ( hIcon == 0 ) continue;Bitmap bitmap = null;try{Int32 hIcon2 = unchecked ( ( Int32 ) hIcon );bitmap = Bitmap.FromHicon( new IntPtr( hIcon2 ) );}catch ( ArgumentException ) { continue; }if ( bitmap == null ) continue;images.Add( bitmap );int imageIndex = images.Count - 1;window.ImageIndex = imageIndex;if ( ! node.IsTop ){DataProcess process = ( DataProcess ) node.Parent.Data;process.ImageIndex = imageIndex;}}}}private void FillTreeList(){if ( _Glomming ){foreach ( INode nodeProcess in _Tree.Nodes ){DataProcess process = ( DataProcess ) nodeProcess.Data;string text = process.ButtonText;bool bNoName = ( text.Length == 0 );if ( bNoName ) text = "< no name >";TreeListViewItem itemProcess = new TreeListViewItem( text, process.ImageIndex );itemProcess.Tag = process;if ( bNoName ) itemProcess.Expand();itemProcess.SubItems.Add( nodeProcess.Nodes.Count.ToString( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );//itemProcess.SubItems.Add( "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) process.WindowHandle ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );treeListView1.Items.Add( itemProcess );foreach ( INode nodeWindow in nodeProcess.Nodes ){DataWindow window = ( DataWindow ) nodeWindow.Data;TreeListViewItem itemWindow = new TreeListViewItem( window.ButtonText, window.ImageIndex );itemWindow.Tag = window;itemWindow.SubItems.Add( String.Empty );itemWindow.SubItems.Add( "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) window.WindowHandle ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );itemWindow.SubItems.Add( "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) window.ProcessId ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );itemProcess.Items.Add( itemWindow );}}}else // not glomming{foreach ( INode nodeWindow in _Tree.Nodes ){DataWindow window = ( DataWindow ) nodeWindow.Data;TreeListViewItem itemWindow = new TreeListViewItem( window.ButtonText, window.ImageIndex );itemWindow.Tag = window;itemWindow.SubItems.Add( String.Empty );itemWindow.SubItems.Add( "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) window.WindowHandle ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );itemWindow.SubItems.Add( "0x" ( ( UInt32 ) window.ProcessId ).ToString( "X8", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture ) );treeListView1.Items.Add( itemWindow );}}}private void PopulateTreeFromList(){_Tree.Clear();foreach ( TreeListViewItem itemParent in treeListView1.Items ){DataBase dataParent = ( DataBase ) itemParent.Tag;INode nodeParent = dataParent.Node = _Tree.AddChild( dataParent );foreach ( TreeListViewItem itemChild in itemParent.Items ){DataBase dataChild = ( DataBase ) itemChild.Tag;INode nodeChild = dataChild.Node = nodeParent.AddChild( dataChild );}}}private unsafe bool GetTBButton( IntPtr hToolbar, int i, ref TBBUTTON tbButton, ref string text, ref IntPtr ipWindowHandle ){// One pageconst int BUFFER_SIZE = 0x1000;byte[] localBuffer = new byte[ BUFFER_SIZE ];UInt32 processId = 0;UInt32 threadId = User32.GetWindowThreadProcessId( hToolbar, out processId );IntPtr hProcess = Kernel32.OpenProcess( ProcessRights.ALL_ACCESS, false, processId );if ( hProcess == IntPtr.Zero ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; } IntPtr ipRemoteBuffer = Kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(hProcess,IntPtr.Zero,new UIntPtr( BUFFER_SIZE ),MemAllocationType.COMMIT,MemoryProtection.PAGE_READWRITE );if ( ipRemoteBuffer == IntPtr.Zero ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }// TBButtonfixed ( TBBUTTON* pTBButton = & tbButton ){IntPtr ipTBButton = new IntPtr( pTBButton );int b = ( int ) User32.SendMessage( hToolbar, TB.GETBUTTON, ( IntPtr ) i, ipRemoteBuffer );if ( b == 0 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }// this is fixedInt32 dwBytesRead = 0;IntPtr ipBytesRead = new IntPtr( & dwBytesRead );bool b2 = Kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ipRemoteBuffer,ipTBButton,new UIntPtr( ( uint ) sizeof( TBBUTTON ) ),ipBytesRead );if ( ! b2 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }}// button textfixed ( byte* pLocalBuffer = localBuffer ){IntPtr ipLocalBuffer = new IntPtr( pLocalBuffer );int chars = ( int ) User32.SendMessage( hToolbar, TB.GETBUTTONTEXTW, ( IntPtr ) tbButton.idCommand, ipRemoteBuffer );if ( chars == -1 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }// this is fixedInt32 dwBytesRead = 0;IntPtr ipBytesRead = new IntPtr( & dwBytesRead );bool b4 = Kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ipRemoteBuffer,ipLocalBuffer,new UIntPtr( BUFFER_SIZE ),ipBytesRead );if ( ! b4 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }text = Marshal.PtrToStringUni( ipLocalBuffer, chars );if ( text == " " ) text = String.Empty;}// window handlefixed ( byte* pLocalBuffer = localBuffer ){IntPtr ipLocalBuffer = new IntPtr( pLocalBuffer );// this is in the remote virtual memory spaceIntPtr ipRemoteData = new IntPtr( tbButton.dwData );// this is fixedInt32 dwBytesRead = 0;IntPtr ipBytesRead = new IntPtr( & dwBytesRead );bool b4 = Kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(hProcess,ipRemoteData,ipLocalBuffer,new UIntPtr( 4 ),ipBytesRead );if ( ! b4 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }if ( dwBytesRead != 4 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); return false; }Int32 iWindowHandle = BitConverter.ToInt32( localBuffer, 0 );if ( iWindowHandle == -1 ) { Debug.Assert( false ); }//return false; }ipWindowHandle = new IntPtr( iWindowHandle );}Kernel32.VirtualFreeEx(hProcess,ipRemoteBuffer,UIntPtr.Zero,MemAllocationType.RELEASE );Kernel32.CloseHandle( hProcess );return true;}private void _Apply_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){using ( new CWaitCursor() )foreach ( int sw in new int[] { SW.HIDE, SW.SHOW } ){foreach ( DataBase db in _Tree.AllChildren.Values ){if ( db.DataType == DataType.Window ){DataWindow window = ( DataWindow ) db;IntPtr hWindow = window.WindowHandle;User32.ShowWindow( hWindow, sw );//if ( sw == SW.SHOW ) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 500 );}}System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 500 );}User32.SetForegroundWindow( Handle );}private void toolBar1_ButtonClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs e){if ( e.Button == toolBarButtonMoveFirst ) OnMoveFirst ();if ( e.Button == toolBarButtonMoveUp ) OnMoveUp ();if ( e.Button == toolBarButtonMoveDown ) OnMoveDown ();if ( e.Button == toolBarButtonMoveLast ) OnMoveLast ();}private TreeListViewItemCollection GetItemCollection( TreeListViewItem item ){if ( item.Parent == null ){if ( item.TreeListView == null ) throw new ArgumentException( "TreeListView not set for this item" );return item.TreeListView.Items;}return item.Parent.Items;}private void OnMoveFirst(){// fubar//ListView.SelectedIndexCollection indices = treeListView1.SelectedIndices;//if ( indices.Count != 1 ) return;//int index = indices[ 0 ];SelectedTreeListViewItemCollection items = treeListView1.SelectedItems;if ( items.Count != 1 ) return;TreeListViewItem item = items[ 0 ];MoveFirst( item );item.Selected = true;PopulateTreeFromList();}private void MoveFirst( TreeListViewItem item ){DataBase db = ( DataBase ) item.Tag;int index = db.Node.IndexBranch;if ( index == 0 ) return;TreeListViewItemCollection items = GetItemCollection( item );TreeListViewItemCollection items2 = new TreeListViewItemCollection();items2.SortOrder = SortOrder.None;foreach( TreeListViewItem item2 in items )if ( item2 != item )items2.Add( item2 );items.Clear();for ( int i = 0 ; i < items2.Count ; i ){if ( i == 0 ) items.Add( item );items.Add( items2[ i ] );}}private void OnMoveUp(){// fubar//ListView.SelectedIndexCollection indices = treeListView1.SelectedIndices;//if ( indices.Count != 1 ) return;//int index = indices[ 0 ];SelectedTreeListViewItemCollection items = treeListView1.SelectedItems;if ( items.Count != 1 ) return;TreeListViewItem item = items[ 0 ];MoveUp( item );item.Selected = true;PopulateTreeFromList();}private void MoveUp( TreeListViewItem item ){DataBase db = ( DataBase ) item.Tag;int index = db.Node.IndexBranch;if ( index == 0 ) return;TreeListViewItemCollection items = GetItemCollection( item );TreeListViewItemCollection items2 = new TreeListViewItemCollection();items2.SortOrder = SortOrder.None;foreach( TreeListViewItem item2 in items )if ( item2 != item )items2.Add( item2 );items.Clear();for ( int i = 0 ; i < items2.Count ; i ){if ( i == index - 1 ) items.Add( item );items.Add( items2[ i ] );}}private void OnMoveDown(){// fubar//ListView.SelectedIndexCollection indices = treeListView1.SelectedIndices;//if ( indices.Count != 1 ) return;//int index = indices[ 0 ];SelectedTreeListViewItemCollection items = treeListView1.SelectedItems;if ( items.Count != 1 ) return;TreeListViewItem item = items[ 0 ];MoveDown( item );item.Selected = true;PopulateTreeFromList();}private void MoveDown( TreeListViewItem item ){DataBase db = ( DataBase ) item.Tag;int index = db.Node.IndexBranch;if ( db.Node.IsLast ) return;TreeListViewItemCollection items = GetItemCollection( item );TreeListViewItemCollection items2 = new TreeListViewItemCollection();items2.SortOrder = SortOrder.None;foreach( TreeListViewItem item2 in items )if ( item2 != item )items2.Add( item2 );items.Clear();for ( int i = 0 ; i < items2.Count ; i ){items.Add( items2[ i ] );if ( i == index ) items.Add( item );}}private void OnMoveLast(){// fubar//ListView.SelectedIndexCollection indices = treeListView1.SelectedIndices;//if ( indices.Count != 1 ) return;//int index = indices[ 0 ];SelectedTreeListViewItemCollection items = treeListView1.SelectedItems;if ( items.Count != 1 ) return;TreeListViewItem item = items[ 0 ];MoveLast( item );item.Selected = true;PopulateTreeFromList();}private void MoveLast( TreeListViewItem item ){DataBase db = ( DataBase ) item.Tag;int index = db.Node.IndexBranch;if ( db.Node.IsLast ) return;TreeListViewItemCollection items = GetItemCollection( item );TreeListViewItemCollection items2 = new TreeListViewItemCollection();items2.SortOrder = SortOrder.None;foreach( TreeListViewItem item2 in items )if ( item2 != item )items2.Add( item2 );items.Clear();for ( int i = 0 ; i < items2.Count ; i ){items.Add( items2[ i ] );}items.Add( item );}private void _ExpandAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){treeListView1.ExpandAll();}private void _CollapseAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){treeListView1.CollapseAll();}private void _ViewTree_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e){MessageBox.Show( _Tree.ToStringRecursive(), "_Tree" );}private void treeListView1_DoubleClick( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){SelectedTreeListViewItemCollection items = treeListView1.SelectedItems;if ( items.Count != 1 ) return;TreeListViewItem item = items[ 0 ];DataBase db = ( DataBase ) item.Tag;if ( db.DataType != DataType.Window ) return;DataWindow window = ( DataWindow ) db;User32.SetForegroundWindow( window.WindowHandle );}private void _Repair_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e ){OperatingSystemVersion os = new OperatingSystemVersion();string sOS = os.ToString();string sMem = String.Empty;MEMORYSTATUSEX m = new MEMORYSTATUSEX();if ( Kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx( m ) ){const int MB = 1024 * 1024;UInt64 total = m.TotalPhysical;UInt64 free = m.AvailablePhysical;UInt64 used = total - free;UInt64 freePercent = ( 100 * free ) / total;UInt64 usedPercent = ( 100 * used ) / total;sMem ="Memory\n" // ( Load : " m.MemoryLoad " % )\n" "---------------------\n" "Physical\t : " ( total / MB ) " MB\n" "Used \t : " ( used / MB ) " MB ( " usedPercent " % )\n" "Free \t : " ( free / MB ) " MB ( " freePercent " % )\n"; }MessageBox.Show("You are running :" Environment.NewLine Environment.NewLine sOS Environment.NewLine Environment.NewLine sMem,"Supported OS",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information );}}}